Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Vinegar and Fat Loss!

Hello Everyone!

I have always loved vinegar.  Since I was a kid and my Mom gave me a teaspoon when I had the hiccups, I just loved it!  I use it all the time - pretty much on a daily basis!  So I was elated when I found out that vinegar has been clinically proven to destroy fat!  WOW! 

First study was done on carbohydrates.  Acccording to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition if you have vinegar after a high-glycemic meal your glucose levels will not rise.  What this means is that the sugars from that meal will not turn into fat as readily. 

Another study was done on fat.  Acetic acid, the active component in vinegar, enhances fatty acid oxidation and thermogenic proteins such as UCP-2, and prevents body fat accumulation for those on high fat diets.

The most intriguing research was published in the journal Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry.  A study was performed on 175 obese patients who were administered different doses of apple vinegar.  The patients did not change their diet or exercise patterns.  One group received a low dose of vinegar, another a high dose, and the placebo group got a beverage that tasted like apple vinegar but had no vinegar at all.

The high dose group got 30 ml or 2 tablespoons, the low dose group drank 15 ml or 1 tablespoon and the placebo group drank about 2 cups of mostly water.  Patients drank 1 cup of the mixture after breakfast, and another cup after dinner.  After four weeks, body fat levels decreased significantly in both the high and low dose groups.  The higher the dose, the great the body fat decrease.  After 8 weeks, waist circumference decreased in the vinegar patients.  Body weight, visceral (belly) fat mass and triglyceride levels also decreased in the vinegar groups.

The study reported no side effects, and it suggests that you to keep drinking the vinegar mixture to keep the beneficial effects.  The good effects go beyond weight reductions, and so  vinegar could be an easy, safe, and effective compound to fight fat, and enhance health.  So 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day is the ticket!  Guess my Mom really knew what she was doing!!!
I miss her!!

Have a great night everyone!
love, june


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