Saturday, January 08, 2011


Happy New Year!

The holidays have come and gone and some of us have added the pounds from the festive cookies, cakes, and pies! Not to fear, you have eleven months to lose the weight you have gained this holiday season before the next round of all those treats begins. I have a few simple steps to shred those holiday pounds and in not time you will feel like your old self - and even better, a new improved version of yourself who makes health and wellness a top priority!

First - Set realistic goals. You cannot achieve everything overnight - do not set yourself up for failure by getting frustrated. This is a journey not a destination. Losing one to two pounds a week is an achievable goal.

Second - Eat more often. Filling up on three large, calorie-packed meals a day makes hard work for your metabolism, and tougher for you to meet weight loss goals. Think portion control. Split your meals into five smaller fairings a day. Eating light meals more frequently is a great way to take the edge off your appetite, charge up your metabolism, and burn calories more efficiently over the course of a day. Get a free diet when you go to - to get you started!

Third - Get Moving. Focus on changing your habits to start seeing results. You do not have to sign up for a high priced gym membership. You can start by walking around the neighborhood, take the steps versus the elevator, get a workout video, get some small weights and do a routine in the comfort of your home, find a friend to workout with, whatever you think will work and KEEP working. If you hit a plateau then you can look into the gym membership.

Fourth - Use your supplements to really help you achieve those goals and keep them going! Revitalize and ShredFX will help with getting you to those goals! They both help with energy, appetite suppression and boosting of your metabolism!

Have a great year everyone!
love, june